I like to think of therapy as “tending a garden”. Clients come to therapy because their inner self or their relationship feels like it is withered and dying, like a fallow garden. They have neglected the soil (their heart), which is telling them to seek help. Instead, they bury the anxious and depressed feelings deep down, into the soil. It is only when they come to therapy that we can begin the process of tilling the soil and uncovering the buried feelings that need to be expressed. By exploring and releasing past hurts, we extract the old weeds, and make space in the garden for new seeds to be planted. These new seeds represent novel ways of being and interacting in the world, which we develop and practice in sessions. Over time, the seeds grow into beautiful, strong, stable plants and flowers. The garden will grow wild without perimeters, so we work together to create just the right boundaries to keep the garden healthy and safe. Compassion and empathy are the sunlight and water that we need for the garden to flourish, so we cultivate a lot of that in our sessions. The end result is a thriving garden; one that has been tended to, cared for, and nurtured!
How is your garden growing? Does it need maintenance or a total overhaul?
I’m here to help you tend to your garden. Your landscaper won’t be able to help you with this type of growth- so contact me today!