Have you been trying to get pregnant, and it just isn’t working? It can feel like your struggle to conceive is taking over your life.

Are you and your partner always thinking about it, talking about it, and planning for the next fertility treatment? The emotional toll of infertility can create a big wedge in your relationship. You both are on edge, and the arguments are happening more often.

Sex has become a means to an end, rather than an intimate experience. You’re not connecting like you used to. Infertility has hijacked your relationship, and it feels so unfair. You want your relationship back!

I totally understand what you are feeling. I have been there! Fertility challenges are so demanding, sapping precious energy from couples, making it hard to be there for each other and connect!

You are not alone in your struggle – in fact, one in eight couples have difficulty conceiving. So how can you deal with the infertility issues and still maintain a loving relationship?

Here are four recommendations:

  1. Focus on couple-care. Set aside time when you and your spouse/partner can nurture each other. When was the last time you gave each other a massage or took a long walk together in nature?
  2. Have “fertility free” date nights. Schedule time for the two of you to connect over conversation that is NOT about fertility.
  3. Plan a romantic getaway, even if it just for one night. Time away from your everyday life will give you perspective, revive your emotional and physical connection, and provide you needed distance from the stressors of infertility.
  4. Make an appointment for couples therapy. It will feel like a huge relief! You will be able to step out of your isolation and share what has been tearing your relationship apart, with someone who truly gets it! I will bring you back to the place where you feel connected again.

Don’t let infertility hijack your relationship – contact me now at (240) 316-4673